Daiyaan Ijaz 10:59 AM if company api is giving an error 10:59 it was because it was changed from my original code 11:00 or the service is down Kulveer Virk 11:03 AM Can we investigate? Blank statements like this do not help. Daiyaan Ijaz 11:03 AM My tool developed can isolate scenarios and answer discrepancy questions 11:04 Per my mention of the developed tool various time 11:04 Times 11:04 Team needs to learn workflow 11:04 My projects growing up, we had tools in place and an organized response to scenarios 11:04 Train the team and have them try the tool while the logs come up 11:04 This will answer if it’s a service availability or a code issue 11:05 Ik what I’m doing Kulveer Daiyaan Ijaz 12:57 PM just connected with zalak on security risk for getowners 12:58 confirmed it should be updated and data should be fetched from cloud not nest 12:59 i discovered it here: in our messages image.png image.png Kulveer Virk 1:04 PM can we connect with Zalak? Daiyaan Ijaz 1:04 PM Sure 1:04 She said I can bring her in A huddle happened 1:04 PM You, Kulveer Virk, and Zalak Joshi(deactivated) were in the huddle for 46m. Daiyaan Ijaz 1:08 PM image.png image.png 1:08 https://owasp.org/API-Security/editions/2019/en/dist/owasp-api-security-top-10.pdf Daiyaan Ijaz 1:54 PM I would press hard on Ford Pro, whoever is up keeping stability for vault credentials, apigee, and Kafka to ensure uptime during this period 1:54 Idk who is in charge of what 1:54 But similar to the uis coordination thing 1:54 A key member from each side 1:55 Responsible for this due diligence in keeping service available and up Kulveer Virk 4:48 PM can you send me your auth diagnostic tool updated zip file? Daiyaan Ijaz 4:55 PM certainly 4:56 https://github.ford.com/Ford-Pro-CIM/UIS-AUTH-DIAGNOSTIC-TOOL/releases/tag/v1.3.0-release https://github.ford.com/Ford-Pro-CIM/UIS-AUTH-DIAGNOSTIC-TOOL/releases/download/v1.3.0-release/UisDiagnosticTool.v1.3.0-release.zip 4:56 second link is direct download 4:56 keep in mind if you zip and send your zipped version to another machine / computer, it will not work 4:56 the implementation uses cached memory 4:56 if u want to rezip and send to someone 4:57 delete this file otherwise there will be an error for clicking login button image.png image.png :+1: 1 4:57 Similar error from when opening without extracting mentioned below (edited) image.png image.png 4:58 https://github.ford.com/Ford-Pro-CIM/UIS-AUTH-DIAGNOSTIC-TOOL#uis-auth-diagnostic-tool https://www.eesewiki.ford.com/display/FCS/UIS+Diagnostic+Tool Kulveer Virk 4:58 PM Thanks :100: 1 Kulveer Virk 5:16 PM does this error explain something: 5:16 image.png image.png Daiyaan Ijaz 5:17 PM Yes it does 5:18 From the white debug logs, we can confirm we have the token and it’s not expired. We can also confirm we are not authorized from cloud. (different from authentication). 5:18 We can also tell we hit the cloud endpoint handle sign in logs. 5:20 Since the token isn’t expired (meaning we swapped and acquired data successfully), we can assume two things: the token could either be from the wrong env, or the validation for signing in failed thus a unauthorized response occurring (edited) 5:21 To put it simple: we can tell that we swapped the token, we just don’t know if we can reach cloud or if we can then we can assume validation went wrong 5:21 It’s possible that the company failed to insert 5:21 Or the user failed to insert 5:22 Identifying the jwt claims tab in our diagnostic tool with the failed account to see the properties that go in will be helpful 5:22 Just remember the jwt swapped token claim tab does not accurately represent the company information 5:22 For that you’ll have to click the company api button Kulveer Virk 5:22 PM why this error is occurring this fast Daiyaan Ijaz 5:23 PM When testing with the tool make sure u assign the right stage you want to test with Kulveer Virk 5:23 PM I am using the stage msi and getting errors Daiyaan Ijaz 5:23 PM This happens fast because right after u sign in and the c# swaps the token 5:23 The next step is directly to cloud 5:23 Next -> cloud to handle sign in 5:24 The logs are confusing 5:24 I know they are changed and they look organized 5:24 But the flow seems inaccurate 5:25 I want to work to connect with Zalak and ask her to walk me through the flow within the code to just confirm Kulveer Virk 5:25 PM one more error in less than 5 min 5:25 image.png image.png Daiyaan Ijaz 5:25 PM What env is this Kulveer Virk 5:26 PM Stage Daiyaan Ijaz 5:26 PM R u on vpn Kulveer Virk 5:26 PM yes Daiyaan Ijaz 5:26 PM Have u successfully logged in 5:26 And this throws in between 5:26 Like have u made it to project listing 5:26 That is the defined definition for logged in Kulveer Virk 5:27 PM yes, i can see the listing Daiyaan Ijaz 5:27 PM Ok so you can log in 5:27 And while interacting 5:27 Errors occur 5:27 And you said it happens fast 5:28 I’m assuming it isn’t five mins Kulveer Virk 5:28 PM yes, I logged in, working in building config and error banner popped up and saw the log Daiyaan Ijaz 5:28 PM Only config? Kulveer Virk 5:28 PM 4 min is the timestamp Daiyaan Ijaz 5:29 PM 4 min time stamp means? 5:29 Only used for four mins? Kulveer Virk 5:30 PM 17:17:56 ok 17:21:55 error Daiyaan Ijaz 5:30 PM I see 5:31 But u may have been in project for longer too 5:31 I mean. Logged in 5:31 If we kept code 1:1 and did Not**** refactor my original work 5:31 I knew it was delicate that’s why I was careful but if we didn’t touch it 5:32 Then we need to press ford pro 5:32 And have them involved in this investigation 5:32 The instability isn’t good 5:32 We also have to look into Kafka 5:32 We should isolate issue this occurs by the region of the project 5:33 Confirm if this issue occurs only in config Kulveer Virk 5:33 PM yes Daiyaan Ijaz 5:33 PM If so we can think of Kafka 5:33 Zalak today said there were Kafka problems 5:33 When it was reported refresh token failed 5:33 I investigated 5:33 And I drew us to Kafka related issue Kulveer Virk 5:33 PM it has not touched kafka because i have not clicked create config 5:34 this is still local circuit building Daiyaan Ijaz 5:34 PM Could catch 5:35 That’s good 5:35 Narrowing it down Kulveer Virk 5:35 PM kafka comes when we send finalized config for signing :+1: 1 Daiyaan Ijaz 5:35 PM Let’s isolate that as sep issue Kulveer Virk 5:35 PM till then it is our local db and cloud db interaction Daiyaan Ijaz 5:35 PM 2 files IMG_0842 IMG_0843 5:35 These screenshots are for Kafka 5:35 Back to focusing on current thing Kulveer Virk 5:36 PM she also said refresh token is nothing to do with Kafka Daiyaan Ijaz 4 months ago Today she said differently Daiyaan Ijaz 4 months ago Lot of people on our team don’t like to admit Daiyaan Ijaz 4 months ago Or give credit but that’s a personal thing Daiyaan Ijaz 4 months ago In my screenshot of the last message Daiyaan Ijaz 4 months ago I guided her by explaining logically 5 replies Last reply 4 months agoView thread Daiyaan Ijaz 5:36 PM “Working in building config” but not hitting create config yet meaning we haven’t touched Kafka yet 5:37 Image u sent 5:37 Checks vehicle connect 5:37 While u are working 5:37 Do we interact with vehicle connect? Kulveer Virk 5:37 PM building is first step then signing the config when Kafka comes :+1: 1 5:37 building is dragging and dropping blocks and connecting :+1: 1 5:37 no vehicle connect at all :+1: 1 Daiyaan Ijaz 5:38 PM Okay so in logs 5:38 It checks to see if vehicle was connected 5:39 Why did we trigger a check if we don’t interact with it 5:39 U can see in the screenshot u sent me that we checked if vehicle was connected and it came back as false 5:39 Plus 5:40 We got internal error 500 5:40 Which doesn’t have to do with 401 / 403 unauthorized error 5:40 500 sounds like from fcc or vc 5:40 I Think I was triggered when touching can signals Kulveer Virk 5:40 PM we build the config, then we create vbf files with IVSS signing, then we connect vehicle and then flash happens 5:41 VC does not come into play unless we connect with vehicle with OBDII cable Daiyaan Ijaz 5:41 PM There’s something going on in the logs u sent then that should bring attention 5:42 This one Kulveer Virk | image.png image.png 5:43 IMG_0844 IMG_0844 5:43 In the highlighted parts you’ll see internal server error thrown which isn’t from cloud or refresh 5:44 You’ll also see logs that have to do with vehicle connect, it also indicates vc was connected. Also need to define and create glossary— helps with business / dev domain Kulveer Virk 5:44 PM may be our local nest or fcc or ui acting as internal server Daiyaan Ijaz 5:44 PM Does vehicle connect false mean vc isn’t open? Or that it cannot connect 5:44 We need to document if we do logs 5:44 Otherwise black box for anyone that didn’t write them Kulveer Virk 5:44 PM vehicle connect only activates when cable is connected and vehicle is detected Daiyaan Ijaz 5:44 PM With glossary and ubituous lang 5:45 Some weird issue then because based on what u described 5:45 Those logs should NOT appear 5:45 Another thing is 5:45 Regarding refresh token 5:45 In the same Screenshot 5:45 You can see token was refreshed successfully Kulveer Virk 5:46 PM one came from http://localhost:3000/api/editor?action=stop 5:46 other from http://localhost:3000/api/projects?userUuid=C0508B79-0F66-45D2-99B7-33E38ABF154E&rowsPerPage=10&pageNumber=1 Daiyaan Ijaz 5:46 PM Stop I’m assuming happens when you leave a project 5:46 And we want to go to fcc 5:46 The unload the project (assuming that’s how the logic is since we load projects into fcc and call editor start etc) 5:47 Second one sounds like project listing 5:47 I’m assuming u have empty project listing now Kulveer Virk 5:47 PM no, I am building the circuit on canvas, connecting things, removing things slowly and then red banner pops up Daiyaan Ijaz 5:47 PM This error handling is all over the place then 5:47 We need to do an audit Kulveer Virk 5:48 PM then -IF - i go back to main project listing page, I get no listing, but many times I see listing :+1: 1 Daiyaan Ijaz 5:48 PM On logs Kulveer Virk 5:48 PM Any way, just wanted to share the error that I got Daiyaan Ijaz 5:48 PM Yeah it got me thinking Kulveer Virk 5:48 PM but we will look into tomorrow Daiyaan Ijaz 5:48 PM Sounds good thanks for sharing 5:48 Hopefully we reach stability Kulveer Virk 5:48 PM there is some condition that is not being handled Daiyaan Ijaz 5:48 PM I would engage ford pro at least for on standby 5:49 Since tomorrow is Friday 5:49 And for the condition not being handled 5:49 Always comes back to discrepancy 5:49 If this is a new issue 5:49 We need to compare and see what changed since our stable version Kulveer Virk 5:49 PM it is not happening on demand, it is so random that when you want, won't occurr :+1: 1 Daiyaan Ijaz 5:49 PM That involves finding the most stable version 5:49 But also discrepancy question is a risk 5:49 Because we could be looking for the wrong thing Kulveer Virk 5:50 PM we never tested the old version this much Daiyaan Ijaz 5:50 PM That’s why we need to isolate scenarios and interactions 5:50 And categorize what feature affects what integration 5:50 This will save time an effort On debugging in future 5:51 Let’s come up with a plan 5:51 Tomorrow in huddle with Zalak 5:51 I’ll talk to you tomorrow enjoy your evening 5:52 If we can focus some engineering efforts on internal tooling 5:52 You will save developer time 5:52 And be able to build features faster Kulveer Virk 5:52 PM Take care :ok_hand: 1