You • Call with hr at 9 Thomas Kopczynski • nice lmk what they say You • Bro this is unprofessionap Unprofessional Straight up Thomas Kopczynski • ??? You • I already moved times for her before Thomas Kopczynski • they move it? You • This is straight up unprofessional. Based on context she moved the meeting I don’t wanna talk to her. Screw that What is ford even Thomas Kopczynski • oh thats the same gal i talked to yea You • Extremely disrespectful to do something like that Thomas Kopczynski • ive been askin her for weeks on update You • Didn’t even ask if that’s okay. Controlling the situation is unprofessional Thomas Kopczynski • she prob unprepared You • There’s cooperation in communication She had context I don’t even wanna talk to her thomas Thomas Kopczynski • well, sleep on it if u feel the same tomorrow, cancel right before like she did haha You • I don’t wanna deal with this For the rest of my career Thomas Kopczynski • but dont do anything now cause u charged up this could just be a person issue You • Dude let me talk to someone else Thomas Kopczynski • i have similar experience w her You • This was too disrespectful Wow from my POV that wouldn’t slide As HR If I had a staff member do that To a player on one of my projects They’d be out cuz it hurts our brand Not the advocacy you want from your employees Thomas Kopczynski • yea its not a good look You • Treating me like a sucker out here I know I’m good. I know my value. I know what I bring that kids my age don’t. I’ve always known. I’m not trying to waste time chasing respect I want accurate compensation not even for the money. It’s for the respect and understanding Thomas Kopczynski • yes u have 2 options You • When I got my first contract freshman year I was paid thousands from the university for 3 weeks I think 5-6k for 3 weeks of work I did so good they hired me full time and I got paid good (all relative) I provided real value because they respected me Respect is king. Thomas Kopczynski • play either the game here, deal w HR and kulveer/next supervisor and outsmart it and get what u need. OR u look elsewhere You • The point is if I leave for another job and ford offers It’s going to fuel my resentment yk Cuz they didn’t offer in the first place So I’ll never wanna come back because of self respect Thomas Kopczynski • well, you need to take the emotion out of it which is very difficult but You • Do I really have to speak with this lady Thomas Kopczynski • You have a set of skills. those skills have a market value. you can keep it as cut and dry as that. if ford can't meet the value, and someone else can, then it's not anything to do w u or yur emotion it's just what ford is willing to do or not You • Can I let her know that was unprofessional And disrespectful Thomas Kopczynski • not advised if u tryin to get her to help u 🙂 You • Idec Thomas Kopczynski • dont let your pride get in the way You • She should know that was not nice Thomas Kopczynski • well, there's ways u can handle pride can be VERY expensive You • As hr ur supposed to protect the company It’s in the best interest of the company to be professional She literally lied in her message That is not okay Thomas Kopczynski • well hold up You • She was gonna meet based on context Thomas Kopczynski • yur perspective is she lief, but she may be super slammed, confused, overwhelmed like u never know the full picture perhaps she IS trying to put you off, which would be shitty You • Fair but even when things are tough in my life i still show up Thomas Kopczynski • this is where u are different its a positive wquality for u, it may not be one everyone possesses but always assume ppl acting in good faith in dealing w her, i honestly think she is just confused and myb flustered i dont think any negativity from her, i could be wrong. but just vibe i get You • I’ll assume positive intent for now Thomas Kopczynski • if it happens again, then you could say something also man u rly need to take stock as u head into yur next rotation are u truly gonna be happy here You • Not if I’m distracted That’s why I’ve been trying to get a yes or jo No For sooo long Thomas Kopczynski • yea i hear u and agree, u need to be compensated in line w the work u providing You • Idk why they didn’t listen during the hiring process I learned a valuable lesson from that If I’m hiring ppl I need to value or respect them from the jump and listen Thomas Kopczynski • yea i dunno, i think the fcg process is a bit funny cause it's standardized You • Because otherwise the resentment will linger Thomas Kopczynski • true but i urge u to get passed that u have to look at it this way….company is always gonna do what is best for company u need to do what is best for u if u hold any resentment or emotion, its just gon make u miserable what u gotta know is your threshhold when it passes the point where the benefit u getting is not worth what u put in, u make a decision You • Right watch me play the game now I’ll keep you posted in a few says Days Thomas Kopczynski • just always do what is smartest, and cooler heads prevail (as i tell u) take it from someone who walked out of his first job at a startup due to disrespect and being underpaid! You • I’m just gonna match energy But maintain in my frame (cooler head) I’ll update u in a few days Thomas Kopczynski • do yur thing today, think about it tonight and sleep on it u going to any fair rooms today? or u know yur selections? You • I know the rotation I have my eyes on One where I’d dominate socially Thomas Kopczynski • what is it You • 3055 Thomas i'm gonna let her know that was unprofessional without telling her actually nvm ill just keep my cool head ima play the game now ill update u in a few days this rotation is fiya. this lady on the team is talking about ethics and im learning alot about invasive software etc. like PIIs etc. lowkey feel like im in class for learning how to build a product Thomas Kopczynski • nice! You • im in like this skip level thing and we're asked input with visibility among everyone in the call obviously im not gonna say my real thoughts conducting a survey like this is always going to be inaccurate we learned this in sociology 1000 Thomas Kopczynski • yeaaa You • also based on a follow up with kulveer (noticed he was recording his screen lmaooo) but mans was basically telling me the same shit long story short i need an answer i dont want to be stalled is this long term or not for me is dependent on if i'm paid for my experience. i dont have one year of experience. plus the 5 months wasted waiting for this answer is not forgotten promoting me to a level i couldve started with isnt it im told to be mature none of this is mature im just realer thats the difference i want to be proud to represent ford. like maybe if i was paid to care i would be more mindful of outwardly expressing myself like if i lose ford what happens i go work for my friends that run companies that pay more like idk how im supposed to be scared for or with* ford wants to innovate they gotta act like the other companies and value talent vs just warm body hiring 1 person can outperform 6 i can build projects solo and launch fullstack, design, planning, marketing just becau se i havent gotten the industry nomenclature doesn't mean i don't got (have) what i got (have) also the pm was talking about stuff i alr knew i dropped my own dimes Thomas Kopczynski • lol You • i should have never stepped up during this year i shouldve never went out of my way to suggest, guide, shift transform the way we were doing some parts i shouldve just stayed in my little fcg learning experience box learned my lesson unless im paid for the experience wanted you know when ppl say its above my pay grade i get it now idk why i put in so much effort into showing my worth when it wasn't going to be recognized anyway. they got the value and i didnt that was dumb of me shouldve just not spoke up and been a warm body and stick to jira tickets and complete like an npc a bot