Thomas Kopczynski • U sent already? You • Yeah Thomas Kopczynski • u were in yur feelings last night/yest You • Yeah I was upset I just want to be taken seriously without having to fight so hard It’s like hurting my self respect because if I’m taken seriously after why did it take so much to get there Thomas Kopczynski • i think u gona get to the point where u coming w same thing u know? he knows yur value You • He’s trolling me man Thomas Kopczynski • reiterating isnt gonna move him Like he knows what I sent yday what’s this 😂 Thomas Kopczynski • ok so i dont want to knock him but it seems like when he doesnt want to address something or isnt ready to, he ignores or leaves it he may still be looking at things, we dont know You • I wanna assume positive intent but this is too much for me lol Thomas Kopczynski • ok, so let's assume he is trolling u then what? You • Idk then that’s inappropriate and I take life seriously It shouldn’t be a situation to even be in Thomas Kopczynski • hold up tho cause we just saying for arguments sake even if he is trolling, and u put a rly direct statement out there and let him know how u feel u think its gon change things for u? or make u feel better? like what is yur play here cause i see u got this built up emotion and need to express You • My play here was trust everyone and assume positive intent Thomas Kopczynski • but i dont think the way u expressing is gon benefit u gonna try and call u later and talk u thru You • Right and ok sounds good Are u implying I objectively tell him how I feel? I guess I’ll wait until clarity So context doesn’t collapse Thomas Kopczynski • no im implying u have done all u can do rn ball is in his court yur best play is to be quiet, process yur thought and emotion and figure yur next move You • Okay I’ll lay low Thomas Kopczynski • and i totally get the way u feeling rn i can see myself in yur shoes and i rly do understand You • It’s like if it’s not gonna work out with me and ford pls tell me so I don’t burn my other explosive options man Thomas Kopczynski • there is no straight answer to that question though You • It’s my first year finished out of undergrad it’s like let me fly Thomas Kopczynski • life isnt that black n white i can tell u that it will def work out for u n Ford. But, will it be good enough for u? Will it be what u want? Will it make u happy? myb? You • It will cuz then I don’t think abt it and can build Thomas Kopczynski • I can't say? but I can say that I am confident if u stay here, do good work, etc. that u will have a siccessful career here You • It’s so stupid but money isn’t money for me It’s more so for the impression management And role performance Can’t be taken seriously Thomas Kopczynski • but u have to look at it this way too…..u may have just gotten a shitty hand and got a bad manager yur first rotation this happens in life all the time bad luck You • Yeah but I got burned from inception Not just manager Thomas Kopczynski • and u had a bad hiring experience right You • Gotta make things right id say Ford wants to be a tech company why aren’t they seeing this as an investment Thomas Kopczynski • so then u gotta think….'shit, is this what I want to deal with? is this good enough for me?' You • Well it is if the word matches action If the word matches action then we are alligned But it feels like I’m being lead onto false promises and it’s not nice I just wanna build but I need alignment cuz I wanna bang my head into the wall every time my word isn’t valued due to other factors My goal is to eliminate bias thru congruence It’s in fords best interest Thomas Kopczynski • that may be true You • Because I can be productive and make improvement Thomas Kopczynski • but doesnt mean it will be reality You • Without months of bs Yes it will I know the game I ran this 10 years online 100% Ik Cuz I ran it up on my own online Ik how it is Ik how to communicate too. I know it’s not my communication getting in the way rn Thomas Kopczynski • well we need to work on that a bit not a convo for msg we will talk You • I studied social network analysis Independently for credits in undergrad cuz I didn’t wanna take class Thomas Kopczynski • i get it man You • This is my thing • publication researching context And impression management Ik this I studied it Thomas Kopczynski • we gonna talk You • Ok I’ll lay low Thomas Kopczynski • u so passionate my friend i rly admire that but u will look back at yurself 10 years from now and think….'yea, i thought i knew but wow do i have a different perspective now' its not a bad thing, by any means this is why advisorships, mentorships exist. so the ppl who have been through this stuff can help You • Im looking to partner with rational optimists I think u are one Thomas Kopczynski • i appreciate that cause my immediate thought was 'good luck finding any!' the world full of irrational ppl 🙂 You • It depends Are you a scientist? And u know ur vibe attracts ur trive Tribe I found a couple :) Thomas Kopczynski • is this yur site? You • No it’s a dude Who just talks About stuff But the second link talks about how we can feel like the world is full of pessimists It’s in response to what u said And a way out Oh I mean irrational Soz Thomas Kopczynski • whats soz mean? You • Soz is just sorry Thomas Kopczynski • i just found out what 'bet' means ohhh ok You • But less formal to which it makes the sorry light and not too serious Thomas Kopczynski • Is soz derivitive of sorry in some way or just a made up word that means sorry You • Made up pseudo gen z slang Thomas Kopczynski • gen z makes up a lot of stuff You • We are part of the creator economy Thomas Kopczynski • lol, well i have some opinions on that You • Hey if it the money comes in then that’s where the stake is Thomas Kopczynski • true, but at what cost? people who often have no pedigree taking pics = creator? You • Yeah it’s a problem I’ve been researching I wrote about this in 2021 Think about a latchkey kid Thomas Kopczynski • it's pretty wild and when these 'creators' get ppl to send them money it's wild You • Kid unsupervised on the internet I mean I got sent money to me all the time 🤫 But think abt a kid going online and exploring and due to the like exonomy Economy Thomas Kopczynski • but why and for what You • Believing likes = credibility Thomas Kopczynski • if u coding, u providing value You • For many things I was making bands Thomas Kopczynski • whats bands money? You • Thousands Thomas Kopczynski • lol You • Racks Thomas Kopczynski • lol crazy You • U would be surprised Think of a parent taking their kid to the park and the kid tries to go on the blacktop The parent tells them don’t go on there The kid is curious, he asks “why?l The parent says “because I said so” Opportunity for the kid to learn from their parent Kid will then look elsewhere for answers Online perhaps. With ppl using devices as babysitting Kids can look at influencers, believe that likes drive stake, and become influenced (for better or worse) Thomas Kopczynski • but likes are ultimately meaningless. dont get me wrong, i know that they are a measure people use to assign a dollar value. but, it's sooo much smoke n mirrors You • Impression management for role performance is what likes are They help impressions turn to conversions through what’s called “social proof” Likes work in matrix with comments- part of the user that’s consuming the contents journey So they click thru profiles to ensure that the engagement is authentic and the dude didn’t bot Multiple posts with congruence builds the value Let me find my old writing for you Thomas Kopczynski • sure but consider the fact that the majority of likes are from bots You • “The medium through which our desire for that validation may change, for example, first it was who the biggest guy in the tribe was and now it is who has the most likes, we find who is best for our biology and in the information age— it has to do with likes online. “ Thomas Kopczynski • then that another large chunk are fleeting interaction, just ppl tapping to acknowledge i think the number of genuine impression from an overall like count is prob v low You • Toys r us went bankrupt Because they failed to see the world changing around them E-commerce was taking over They stuck by resisting change and shot themselves in the foot Thomas Kopczynski • toys were not them You • Let me share a bit of my research One sec Our generation is a bit dif To compliment ur thoughts on ppl w no pedigree but w stake Thomas Kopczynski • news is a diff game vs say 'content' i know there is overlap but First paragraph talks about creating content On how first it comes off genuine but then the reasons content is made gets skewed along the way The part covered in red talks about the addiction I accidentally created Because of my background in gamification Thomas Kopczynski • i cant read too much rn cause im mad multi tasking You • No I gotchu to summarize Thomas Kopczynski • i like the convo a lot its interesting to discuss and i appreciate the perspective of someone living it You • Yessir The screenshot from my notes app is stuff I wrote that was published Btw Thomas Kopczynski • a lot of it isnt logical to me Thomas Kopczynski • nice! You • It’s not logical at all That’s why there’s room for change There’s a place in society for something else to fit which will improve our lives socially in this digital world Thomas Kopczynski • agree w all those points You • 👌👌 Likewise Thomas Kopczynski • 90% of 'influencing' is juvenile popularity backed by big busines You • Yeah and that’s called good advertising Think of Roku and how they have a wall paper that fits in advertisement in the way it doesn’t even look like advertisements Thomas Kopczynski • 'good' You • Product placement Thomas Kopczynski • i mean it's advertising but depends on what u selling for clothes, ok fine You • If u can trick me to not get bothered by an advertisement you’ve succeeded Thomas Kopczynski • but for wellness products, for example, u prob being unethical You • Yeah the strategy for that should be organic Everyone has an audience they are targeting The audience they are targeting would leave them with a bad conversion rate Think of Ferrari’s audience The saying is Ferrari’s audience is probably not watching TV So why advertise on TV Thomas Kopczynski • well, depends on Ferrari's objectives You • The values they portray Their brand Congruence If they portray this elegance why do they need to boast about it by advertising on tv Competing in that lane as other mid tier brands Hurts their congruence Everything could be aligned but that would stick out I wanna ask kulveer where his head is at or what he's thinking Thomas Kopczynski • noooooo noooooo You • ok my bad 😂 Thomas Kopczynski • lol You • ill lay low Thomas Kopczynski • yes just chill heads down, do yur tasks youve made the point You • got it ill wait until after this week Thomas Kopczynski • lol You • but i need quantification Thomas Kopczynski • just wait You • because if im being led on i need to prepare Thomas Kopczynski • dude You • and i need quantification info for my self preservation Thomas Kopczynski • we gon talk You • ok ok got it lay low do tasks Thomas Kopczynski • yes You • 🙆‍♂️ Thomas Kopczynski • channel emotion elsewhere get a punching bag You • i had one but i moved smh at my parents Thomas Kopczynski • or one of those hand puzzles You • man suggested i use a fidget spinner or smg im dead stress ball type beat Thomas Kopczynski • something to keep yur attn focused Phone #?? You • 5863443983 it feels like ford wants me to leave and if thats the case and its a scary topic for ford to want that thru this whole process then i understand if its delicate and all its like ok tho cuz i dont mind doing it and no hard feelings or resentment just the quantification piece would be equally helpful just experienced a situation where someone touched the flow / code that i requested not to be touched because ppl had bias because i did it and now the v2 team had issues i couldnt debug and its not setup correctly for debugging and i just gave up beacuse its a repeated thing Thomas Kopczynski • hmmm Thomas Kopczynski • so whats he saying You • basically i was making sure things were robust as they were setup but kulveer had things change because bias bc i stepped up right and it was just dumb Thomas Kopczynski • ahhhh You • honestly its just another thing to go into and talk about which is pointless at this point right Thomas Kopczynski • right why is kulveer making code decisionms he should trust the experts i dont tell my SEs anything about code You • not sure thats also deterring me from going into se like i didnt wanna be a manager but its like come on now i wanna go into pm cuz i wanna take care of problems Thomas Kopczynski • yea i dont get his approach there You • but i mean pay level matters and who are these ppl that had senior level engineering titles i worked with like why am i not senior expert gets paid accordingly im not an expert, i don't get paid the level of someone who would have that value its congruence ik it sounds like its my communication but with conviction i believe its hand in hand but regardless instead of complaining i wanna talk to kulveer about quantification ik not to message him but i just wanna be prepared like this needs to hurry tf up because it also affects my decision on mba like ive also waited because if i stay i also go for ross i never brught it up cuz i thought ford would use it as a poker chip thinking id stay but id trade off and not go to ross i have it all in order already application ready Propf Proof Like I’m sorry to Kulveer if advocating for myself ruins his vibe, but I think it’s valid