You • sorry I had to go immediately after 6 i tried to get the team a working dev without login auth mode before leaving was that a yes or no i want to focus i can get stuff alone but i need to set boundaries if you want them done, i gotta focus Kulveer Virk • Focus, give me assessment of work before 12 o'clock meeting I have with senior leadership. This is nest crashes related work. You • will do Kulveer Virk • Daiyaan, send me update in next 10-15 min. You • sureeee i had been dragged into another call will try im able to find the process id of the application and prevent nest from being killed laptop screen close issue will be solved this will also solve any issues where browser goes idle and loses connection to nest Kulveer Virk • how about hibernation? ok You • yes hibernation included since the browser process itself is still running Kulveer Virk • how about random crashes etc that we see - any glitch you found? You • i think any time there is a browser related issue that causes a crash, this will be prevented. regarding random crashes i'm unsure why there are random crashes otherwise i think some of my fixes that im going to roll out will help address lots of it Kulveer Virk • ok. what is estimate completion and testing time You • 15 minutes if im lucky 30 if im realistic for completion testing 15 12:45 i wanted to start at 9:30 uninterrupted Kulveer Virk • np, I was aksing the code fix and test - when will have code available. We have some distractions for sure You • code fix hopefully 12:30 from within nest here is proof i am able to find the process, check the title name, and print out if the application is still runnning Kulveer Virk • Ok. Please give me at 2 PM. take your time in testing and validating. then I will do my testing. Take time for lunch as well You • this will make sure that nest server doesn't close since browser is still running as a second check to the isSigningOut (where we desire disconnect of browser, but not nest server process termination) good deal Kulveer Virk • good You • code implemented will do testing now based on testing from yesterday, we saw that if we temporarily removed the kill nest process mechanism, the browser will re-establish the websocket connection from the browser once it is active again. the first highlighted one is the first websocket connection then i closed my laptop screen opened it again, websocket connection re-established (the one under it). So that is intended. The issue was before connection re-established, we shut down the nest server because we assumed the browser closed based on websocket disconnection. Now we double check to make sure the process of the browser exists or not. now that it is implemented, next message i send you will my update after tesing Case 1: Browser window is manually closed -> handleDisconnect is called within nest -> Checks to see if user is signing out • We don't kill nest server if true -> Ford Upfitter process doesn't exist (since we closed window) -> nest is killed This next test will be closing the laptop screen. First i will take a screenshot of the initial websocket connection, and check to see if it disconnects and re-establishes connection. The intention is for the logs in nest to say that process msedge with title fordproupfitter was found when i open my screen. 1 packet is usually sent to maintain connection, we can see it is doing so here: logs show user connected to websocket when browser was launched. Case 2: User closes laptop screen - pretty straight forward based on testing, it didnt crash I also made some other fixes im going to request kay to build an msi Its ready also comes with refresh token fix tested Kulveer Virk • Yes, I want to test and Bhaskar will do code review. Make sure required comments are there to make our good impression on best practices etc. You • and it comes with the fix that removes the delay after signing in where you see the continue with sso button for sure Kulveer Virk • Good. You • remember, this is rushed work and im handling multiple different things rn but i do want to refactor and any input given will be DEFINITELY considered during that refactor comments are there, as long as he is a highly skilled developer he can distill and trace start to finish how auth works any information given on websocket work will be essential for when we switch to named pipes because while we implement named pipes, we know the edge cases share this with him for the native side. I wrote documentation for the native application 2 days ago. Kulveer Virk • Awesome. Other thing Juliana asked - I know you did not work on it, but wanted to make sure. We did not have any story on if "for any reason" Nest server is crashed (not known to us) but browser is still open.... You • is she asking if the story for what was developed there? we didnt crash the nest server, we would kill the nest server if the BROWSER connected to the nest server was killed Kulveer Virk • No, her question was if for any weired reason causes Nest window to go away, and would browser know in anyway that all the work we do, would not be saved or it would restart nest.... You • oh well its a two way thing we have control to keep track and do that i dont know the logic behind saving or tracking all the work we do but i can guide anyone who wants to see when nest crashes or when browser crashes etc and handle it there we currently dont have that but just know everytime we make a change or do work we make a call to our sqlite from within nest so up until nest crashes, changes are technically saved on the sqlite but not ON CLOUD Kulveer Virk • Ok. Thanks. Once msi is built, let me test it You • 👍 Kulveer Virk • Daiyaan You • yes kulveer ill have kay build the msi now Kulveer Virk • this api.d01e working You • sorry i was testing edge cases or api.d01e we should be using api.stg01e api.d01e and api.stg01e are connected to the same database from ford pro Kulveer Virk • wanted to see if this api is returning the company detail or fordpro is still down You • i can confirm just one sec Kulveer Virk • please You • stage token or dev token? test dev? just a second this will be different from company api Kulveer Virk • stage and dev You • about to show you with company api ignore this heres what you need last photo last two are stage and dev company api Kulveer Virk • thanks. pro/upfit/company - correct? You • yes correct that is the company api we use within our cloud (springboot) to get accurate company information from the token. Kulveer Virk • Awesome, thanks for verifying You • 👌 ill keep you posted on when the build process for msi is in kays hands. im doing thorough testing for my multiple bug fixes kay is building itll be worth the wait (hopefully...) can i ask kay to teach me msi how to build msi so i dont have to ask him all refresh token concerns fixed btw frontend will never see token / login related errors come up because before its returned to UI, nest handles it then makes the call honestly i wanna just build msi to avoid confusion for my own sanity he didnt build it right he made a decision without alerting me test the second msi second msi is prod and good for testing first msi for dev needs to be rebuilt Kulveer Virk • Ok. I will test. It has your Nest Hibernation fix, correct? You • Yes it does Kulveer Virk • Awesome. Just got home. Will uninstall old and try this one later. Thank you. You • your welcome it should be good just installed both dev and prod both dev and prod msi's i sent are working only issue is dev msi does not show auth log flow within console of ui and nest, we want it to for debugging need kay to rebuild dev msi with flag enabled for logs thats it but both msi's are working i installed and uninstalled both have a good evening and i'll talk to you tomorrow Kulveer Virk • Tale care. You • before i leave look at this i went to sleep by closing laptop and it tried to shut down nest but it was able to check the process and confirm the browser is still open on the clients machine which is great news take care kulveer