Thomas Kopczynski • Hows it going this week? You • spent 5 hours yesterday in one single call being babysat surprise, we validated and did the same things that proved futile that i did a month and a half ago... didnt wanna take my word for it and wouldnt give up Thomas Kopczynski • Ugh You • wanna know something funny Thomas Kopczynski • Sure You • i found the solution 20 minutes after standup today alone they in standup said they wanna get me in a call with them again i said no Thomas Kopczynski • I need to reach kulvwer he hasnt reached out at all to me You • i believe he alluded to the idea he was gonna Thomas Kopczynski • i set up time w him tomorrow You • on thursday Thomas Kopczynski • tomrorow You • according to standup therse another meeting etup for me to be babysat Thomas Kopczynski • lol You • they are investigating an issue in standup i shared an answer to lmaoo but also Thomas Kopczynski • im gonna talk to kulveer today You • yesterday i got called into a meeting at 11 10 am finished standup worked on solution for 1 hour then i finished that call at 3:48 started working 4:24pm im asked for an update by kulveer i tell him explicitly i get no space i am solving things for other people they should understand and know how to do these are engineers much older than me how come im the only one who knows how to distill stuff i dont understand without asking everyone by just reading jk but i had ~2 hours to actually get real work done and today i dont have time either because evidently another call is scheduled im just saying if there is a budget for this project (idk) its a waste of paying me not taking advantage 😕 and if i provide a solution to any problem they dont take it seriously i have to repeat 50000x before consideration lmaoo Thomas Kopczynski • ugh im gonna get his perspective have u ever met the team in person? You • they are contractors the only other ford employee on the team is tae and tae is my guyyyyy i never get time to work with him tho hes my age kinda but we are cool w each other everyone else is contractor tae asks me for help all the time i always help, he never runs me around when he comes to me always productive Thomas Kopczynski • why would they want the contractors to babysit u You • theres vivek, hes not a contractor, forgot to mention that but he wasnt on our team just joined - now our tech lead i believe whatever that means Thomas Kopczynski • hmm You • honestly i cant be my best in the team it feels like sabotage idk how to describe it Thomas Kopczynski • yea i understand that ill let u know the vibe i get from kulveer dude moved our mtng to fri last min, so to be continued