You • Kulveer, I have to let you know that I intend on exploring other teams after this first rotation is complete. I want to let you know so you have time to anticipate and prepare for anything coming our way. My goal before departure is to ensure stability and hand-off legible code for anyone to pick up where i left off on and include documentation etc. If there are any other things we need to ensure a clean hand-off let me know. I want to see through the named pipes and refactor after we grant stability Kulveer Virk • thanks, when your new rotation starts? You • i believe i have like 7 months i thought it was sooner for some reason but apparently october after looking into it Kulveer Virk • ok You • Kulveer at this rate we aren't going to make progress Vivek needs to understand my boundary, and not tell others to distract me from getting real work done for weeks ive been saying i need to do x y and z because i know what is important, what to do, and when to do it I'll let you make the decision, if vivek should continue to babysit me along with his other devs, or i get real work done Kulveer Virk • What are you working on and what is the issue? You • just taking care of things one by one i just dont need babysitters for weeks i didnt get work done because i kept telling them i need to work and get stuff done now im upholding my boundaries Kulveer Virk • There are no babysitters, I have objection to the word you use. You • fair but if we see the world for what it is and be realistic ok kulveer tell me what you want Kulveer Virk • You are a professional and others are too, if there is any unreasonable demand from anyone, I need to know. Calling someone senior babysitter is offending. You • okay what do i call someone micromanaging my decisions wanting to watch me share my screen in call not make any action unless told guided in the wrong direction then blamed like am i being paid to use my expertise or to point and click from someones guidance their guidance has cost us weeks Kulveer Virk • You want me to call a meeting with him and see what is the issue with him? You • i would say thats not the right decision x y and z this has been going on for weeks i thought you put him onto me? you were not aware? before he came we only had problem with security but i would address those immediately since his arrival i have not gotten real work done when i had ownership i granted 100% stability look at the difference now, im making up for lost time Kulveer Virk • Other team members are hesitant to work with you, not sure. He was not working with you, you had some vpn and non-vpn testing going. You • Kulveer if I make efforts outside of work to deliver onmy word named pipes refactored asap can we talk about switching teams Kulveer Virk • I am at WHQ and had no time today which teams? You • i would have to look i believe there is a summer rotation team members dont like a 22 year old making them look bad Kulveer Virk • you have to have collaborative attitude, this is pure arrogance. you were not like that before, I am shocked. I admired your technical expertise but that does not mean you belittle rest of the team. If you have any issue and can not work with rest of the team members as we require to continuously integrate, let me know. Also, I need to talk to your FCG advisor. Who is your FCG advisor? You • Would that be my people leader? Kulveer Virk • No, I am your peo0le leader You • oh Kulveer Virk • You are a nice person and don't understand your attitude toward others sometimes. We got to meet and talk. This is not sustainable for me. You • Thomas Kopczynski