Fernando Villarreal 2:37 PM Hey man if you are working on issues after refactoring can I join in to mob/pair? Daiyaan Ijaz 2:37 PM no im not working on refactoring rn 2:38 i havent gotten to refactoring 2:38 focused on other stuff rn Fernando Villarreal 2:42 PM for sure, all good I can still be of assistance maybe. Vivek just ranted to me about a bunch of problems. he wants us to have more cross training between the teams so I thought I’d just drop in to see what you’re working on if its not too disrupting. Daiyaan Ijaz 2:56 PM i appreciate you but i want to work alone moving forward if thats okay with you :people_hugging: . I have to focus (edited) Fernando Villarreal 3:08 PM yeah no problem. you might get a push tomorrow to pair its either that or have a good code review process before pushing code. management doesn’t like anyone to work in a silo for too long (hypothetical bus and all), just letting you know. Daiyaan Ijaz 3:09 PM but im not pushing codeeeee 3:09 i need to set a boundary because we were weeks behind when vivek was in call with me 3:09 i wasnt getting what needed to be done Fernando Villarreal 3:16 PM even if you arent pushing code to main branch. should not even try a msi build without another human understanding the code and approving because you are gonna get burned if it goes bad. Do you have stories on jira for all of your work or is it like just one big story that encompasses everything? Daiyaan Ijaz 3:16 PM im literally in CALL 3:16 with my team right now 3:17 looking at code. 3:21 who do u think the msi is for 3:21 its internal 3:21 we are testing Fernando Villarreal 3:24 PM I think the issue a miscommunication. I dont think people understand you have to do some trial and error to test changes since there is no automated way implemented for testing. (edited) Daiyaan Ijaz 3:31 PM I don't know i think vivek has been a big distraction that has set us back 3:31 i can tell him this directly 3:32 im sorry if it doesnt come off as respectful, but i don't know how else to say these past few weeks were a blur. i kept communicating i need to focus and do x y and z 3:32 and was just distracted by constant randomness Fernando Villarreal 3:38 PM I can totally understand what you mean. I’ll have a word with vivek later and will advocate to let you work in peace. lol Daiyaan Ijaz 3:38 PM bless your soul (edited) Fernando Villarreal 3:41 PM cant gaurentee you’ll get it though. I might have to just be your pair. I can be a quiet silent observer if I have to. Vivek is trying to put the knowledge transfer from your work on me :smiling_face_with_tear: Daiyaan Ijaz 3:41 PM i think i am done letting others cross my boundaries and then get blamed 3:42 if he has a problem he can talk to kulveer. vivek is not my supervisor (edited) Fernando Villarreal 3:45 PM you are right. if I were you I’d try to get a talk with kulveer. since vivek is now the anchor of your team (edited) Daiyaan Ijaz 3:45 PM Alvin is our tech anchor Fernando Villarreal 3:48 PM not sure then its just what i heard :+1: 1