Thomas Kopczynski • yo how's it going? You • yo gm, i think things are more calm and better. All the work assigned to me, i took care of and got done without anyone overseeing me. Not sure what you said to Kulveer, but things have been better surely. Vivek still has his comments whenever he can one way or another, but I try to avoid him or deal with it which has been effective how about you? Thomas Kopczynski • good! am good, was out last week and crazy the week prior so wanted to make sure u knew i havent forgotten about u! had a great convo w kulveer he rly likes u, seems some areas to improve but rly supports u we can catch up and i can fill u in later this week or next You • thanks thomas i appreciate that and yeah would love to catch up whenever time avails for you happy to hear that and also your due diligence really means alot you really helped me out here hey man our team lost a bunch of members after the product was nearing finish, we had some contractors on our team its certainly an uneasing feeling to see people you worked with leave just as we near finish. which is understandable we dont require as much heavy lifting now that that is taken care of i wonder if this is normally expected working with contractors near the end. because i believe they were open to negotiating a contract renewal? Thomas Kopczynski • Hey So it depends on the circumstances and how the project was scoped It certainly could be normal, yes Esp if the main dev wrapped and its going into a prod support phase You • thanks for the insight, i gotta ask for self preservation as well, although i'm not a contractor.. it does sound scary to do an awesome job on something then released instead of transferred not ask but just thinking Thomas Kopczynski • yeah, u should be fine if it's contract ending wouldnt really apply to u and many contractors know that is possible to happen so they plan for it their agencies would not try to place them somewhere else You • i see weird phase right now everyones quiet, cant read minds Thomas Kopczynski • yeah it happens hey dude how's it going? still feelin good? You • Yeah I think i'm ready for my next rotation I saw through the PCA that we needed to fill that required my efforts and i've been working on documenting my work and transferring knowledge with the expectation to be in my next rotation in a couple of months... Thomas Kopczynski • whats the pca?? You • permanent corrective action required for our product mandated by security regarding the Auth layer of the application which I had ownership over we had 90 days to do it which i finisheed i'm confirming everything with security to make sure everything is up to their expectation Also, how does this stuff affect me? Thomas Kopczynski • typically wont impact fcgs but depends have u seen any ominous afternoon meetings for yur dept? You • yeah just now there was one a webcast for 15 mins Thomas Kopczynski • hmmm in 15 mins? You • it started at 2:00 and ended at 2:15 Thomas Kopczynski • what did theyu say You • it was regarding the layoff stuff the person that sent me the article yesterday, his dad has been at ford for 20 years i need to get a list of my accomplishments during my time here cuz they asked us to stay working remote this week and expect emails from HR kinda scary ngl i should have been keeping a track of things ive done as i was doing it and built up the list tbh Thomas Kopczynski • damn ok expect emails from hr is ominous, but usually fcgs are not impacted so fingers crossed You • Any suggested measures? I like Ford Thomas Kopczynski • i would measure yur story throughput and value delivery You • We'll see what happens but honestly i did good and hard work vivek came in took lots of credit and discredited me from there it was like whatever man i did all the work i stepped up took ownership they wouldve needed 3 ppl to do my work ramesh is the best point of contact to truly understand my efforts one of my colleagues just told me vivek said that i didnt contribute anything we laughed all i know is I did good work so whatever happens, happens i know what ive done and how much it was and how much value it was ill be okay Thomas Kopczynski • Doin ok?? You • hey sorry for the late response, yeah, but my friend on the team got laid off 😕 hes the only one my age that i sort of bonded with apparently no more cuts on my team but its a pretty disturbing feeling all around It has been really quiet and also feels like I haven't been given much work. It's not that i'm not complaining of having a smaller workload, it's nice to slow down a bit given that we recently released and were working really hard to reach that goal, but it also makes feel a little worried because of the recent layoffs. I also reached out to my supervisor during the layoff time to see if he can connect with me on things that i accomplished during my time here since I want to maintain an updated list of deliverables and all, but I feel like he's ducking me since I brought it up a couple times. What are your thoughts? Thomas Kopczynski • weird is it kulveer? You • yeah but newer people came into our team and it feels like someone else is taking over? im not sure what the roles are within the team now jeffrey dever came in post launch and has been sort of making calls Thomas Kopczynski • yeah…..if they are reorging, kulveer may not even know You • i see i'll play it by ear and try to maintain an active presence Thomas Kopczynski • look at it as a fresh start might workout to yur benefit if u get better ppl in the space so just roll w it for now You • yeah possibly, i'll see where it takes me thanks Thomas Kopczynski • keep me posted i am happy to poke around too You • will do, appreciate you Thomas