Zach Schallenberger • Hi Daiyaan, We are still in the process of assigning your new advisor, but I wanted to first reach out to see if there was anything Emily or myself could help you with! We heard you might be having issues with your supervisor, advisor, or HR and we wanted to maybe better understand the situation. Our goal as Co-Leads is to ensure every FCG has the proper support and development network they need to ensure a successful FCG career! If you're comfortable with sharing, you can definitely let us know of any situation going on so we can maybe provide some advice or resources to you. You can message me either here or we could set up a time to meet over WebEx! Thanks! You • I gotcha Zach it’s okay and I appreciate it truly Zach Schallenberger • Ok sounds good, we're always here if you need to discuss anything! We'll try to get your advisor assignment by the end of the week, but if not you should for sure have one by the start of the new year! Have a great holiday break! You • Yeah I’m not comfortable with sharing anything with anyone here haha Zach Schallenberger • Totally understandable! You • Thanks you too