You • Words vs action without character we have nothing @ Next Supervisor trying to get a hold of me I’ve seen requests HR tried to punk me No respect Lied on call and I caught her had her tripping on her words Thomas Kopczynski • ??? what do u mean You • Man I said what I said i have no more words left Thomas Kopczynski • You just kinda laid out some fragmented thoughts. What about your next supervisor? Did you meet? Are you looking through the requests? You • He’s trying to Thomas Kopczynski • Why would HR try to punk you? You • She lied Caught her Noted everything Tried to make pad my file without context based on reaction Reaction to how y’all are actually horrible ppl here Thomas Kopczynski • Im lost. She lied about what You • Holding u ppl accountable means I’m demanding Get outta here I stay quiet nothing happens Kulveer tried to reach out same way last year Same way my “next” supervisor Tryna reach out now Tell him good lick Luck Thomas Kopczynski • I'm not following why you're upset that your new supervisor is trying to connect with you. that is pretty standard practice You • And quit breadcrumbing me And telling me to hold onto hope I’m not upset with my new supervisor It’s not his fault But this time around I’m armed with knowledge about how ford is And you ppl play Thomas Kopczynski • I play? I'm not followin g You • Okay it’s evident continuing this conversation with you won’t be productive Take it easy Thomas Kopczynski • Daiyaan. Last we spoke, HR had action items. They have been working in the background. I've checked in with you and you have ignored my correspondence. Now you're accusing me of playing something? I have no clue what you're talking about You • HR wanted to give me feedback That was straight lies Saying I’m demanding Without context I caught her words misaligning and called her out in call she was tripping over her words I can go back and point out every discrepancy When I’m older ima have a field day Thomas Kopczynski • in what call? did you speak with them this week or last? or are you referring to the call on Friday 11/17? You • Emailed Kulveer for quantification And ended up with hr On top of that she suggested I talk to kulveer I told her that ended me in a call w her She said Kulveer is busy Slack he says he’s free all day for x y and z and his schedules open Either ford can renegotiate after the bullshit I’ve been put through or they cant Holding ppl accountable is seen as demanding after context has shown me repeatedly put in effort and be patient Legally I’d wash you guys if you pad my file. Don’t play with my character. Ever Thomas Kopczynski • Again, I don't understand who youre trying to 'hold accountable' or why you think that is something you need to do. I don't even understand what your issue is any longer. You received a promotion. The HR team is looking into what happened during your hiring process. Disappointing these things don't move at the speed of light, but that is how things go. I don't know what else you want here or why you are raging on me given I have supported day in and out You • You led me on day in and out Breadcrumbing me But nevermind Expressing myself is pointless I’ll rather act like a robot out here Wtf is a 6% promotion Ppl coming in as a starting fcg make more than me For my skill level it’s laughable Idc what my managers say Im smarter than them They scared of giving me credit Everyone was old and washed Thomas Kopczynski • Ok, so my support is not what you expect or does not meet your needs. Let's see how we can set you up in the next year with an advisor who can meet your needs Ok, it is out of line to call people 'old and washed' or say you're smarter than this person or that. You • Facts matter I got bullied for being good and speaking up about my worth I didn’t do it once I did it twive Twice Delivered both times consistent Thomas Kopczynski • then take the examples of your being mistreated within the team and address with HR. I You • wtf is HR gonna do they bullied me too Lmaooo I explained exactly my experience but u not ready to talk about It I tried everything I could internally Including going over the head I thought u were on my side man I was dumb Thomas Kopczynski • A) I'm trying to follow, but am still not clear. and B) in between you keep slamming me as well. So, honestly, I'm trying to keep up and even understand. You • You know what the situation is Idk why u switched up You know what I’m upset about Like idk what the point of ur self preservation here is like honestly A person that is honest is consistent I’ve been consistent about everything Why tf do you guys think I’m gonna go into my next rotation Thomas Kopczynski • Again, I have done nothing but support. I stepped in to push your promo through. I am sorry it is not good enough. I am also sorry that HR has not gotten back to you on your issues w the hiring process. They move slower. I don't know what to tell you there. But for you to rage on me or accuse me of 'self preservation' it's all honestly extremely disappointing You • And build a relationship with this supervisor That’s dumb If I speak up they pad my file I’m gonna go to my mentors if push comes to shove Thomas Kopczynski • i don't know what that means You • They flag me for shit I didn’t do wrong on Feedback was fabricated Bullshit She didn’t even believe herself speaking it No conviction Thomas Kopczynski • I don't know what the feedback she provided was, so I have no idea. I find it hard to believe anyone would fabricate anything. You • I asked Kulveer for quantification And directly received a meeting with that lady in hr Saying it’s a common. Pattern Where I demand things Yet context collapsed I have a publication on context should I write a research paper on my experience navigating corporate at ford? Will that help you understand ? Thomas Kopczynski • OK, but can you take a minute of self-reflection and maybe hear them out? You • No. Because the context collapsed. They have not been following through with words They have no incentive to Care keep me informed None of it They have no moral responsibility too either Thomas Kopczynski • You don't need context to know that some behavior is not OK. You • Their behavior is not okay Thomas Kopczynski • Everyone understands you are upset You • You’re using my reaction I studied domestic violence in my study This is similar to reactive abuse Where you use my reaction I’m not dunb Dumb* and don’t say nobody said I am I’m saying stop acting dumb There is context Thomas Kopczynski • This is so all over the map. and youre not understanding how your words and actions impact and affect others You • “This is so all over the map” I’m speaking structurally as possible and providing context with examples Your point is negated, just because you repeat what I’ve already provided context to does not reinforce validity This is all just a distraction, the point of the matter is things haven’t changed Thomas Kopczynski • Ok, then I do not understand the point of discussing here. I clearly do not understand fully and am not providing you any value or benefit You • I give you an example with context and your response is to not respond to it rather feign ignorance Of course the conversation won’t be productive Thomas Kopczynski • an example of what? You • Every time you ask me a question and I answer, the focus on my response is evaded throughout this entire convo I can show u multiple examples of u doing so Hence my comment on self preservation Thomas Kopczynski • nothing is evaded. i asked you to take a minute of self reflection given your communication and behavior has impacted numerous people. And you came back with 'I wrote a research paper' You • Because it seems to me you’re not ready to talk about this I gave you context and you tell me to self reflect You ignored everything I said And retorted with that Ppl remember an accusation more than a rebuttal I told you what I was flagged for was wrong Thomas Kopczynski • I don't care how many academic papers you've written. The way you treat people is not OK. THere is no reason to rage on people like this. Again, I am sorry you are unhappy with your promo and how things have gone with HR. I have helped as much as could You • The way I treat ppl Kulveer used me And dangled money on a stick in person U guys aren’t a company I want to build with I believe in ethics I will talk to my parents and look at my options U want me to reflect I’ll write about my experience From start to ejd End Since YOU say the way I treated ppl wasn’t okay And very low of you to distill what I said to “I wrote a research paper” Everything I said makes sense but it’s easier to spin it as erratic I wonder whose side ppl would take on the outside I trusted you You lost all my respect Thomas Kopczynski • I'm sorry you feel that way. I've advocated on your behalf. Pushed through a promotion for you. Listened when youve needed to your issues and about your experience. In turn, you are raging on me because things, totally out of my control, have not gone how you wanted. I dont know what else I can do or say to support you in this given how you are speaking to me You • I opened up to you and you think that I was the problem here Logically throughout this convo I made total sense And you remain unchanged To new information as u gathered Why ask questions to gain context Thomas Kopczynski • ive never said that you are the problem. But you are speaking very aggressively to me and I have observed and heard the same from others, that is not OK regardless of your reasoning You • Same from others you mean Kulveer and Brianna? Talk to 9 fcgs I’ll give you their names That will vouch for me I taught then 3 were my interns Why don’t you speak to Ramesh Routhu if u want an old person to vouch for me Or should you ask Vivek who said either my career or my family Because i had the skill and they didnt Observed the same from others I’ll wipe this smear campaign easy Thomas Kopczynski • there is no campaign, no one is out to get you You • It won’t work against someone who has honor And integrity and nothing to hide Who’s consistent and not hiding lying nothing What you heard from others is a joke when I put shots up on the board