Daiyaan Ijaz 1:48 PM Sent decision Kulveer Virk 1:49 PM OK, I will confirm that you plan to rotate out of Model-E. Thanks Daiyaan Ijaz 1:49 PM As long as my assumptions in the analysis are accurate 1:50 Looking for whatever is best for my career path, I trust your judgement Kulveer Virk 1:54 PM :+1: Kulveer Virk 2:12 PM Daiyaan, can you send me link to our company api specifications? When you get a minute or so.... Daiyaan Ijaz 2:13 PM https://ford.atlassian.net/browse/FPICIMT-944 FPICIMT-944 Retrieve companyID and CompanyName for a user using new Company … Status: Accepted Type: Story Assignee: Daiyaan Ijaz Priority: Not Set More actions... Added by Jira Cloud 2:13 Check forwarded email for company api specifications Kulveer Virk 2:13 PM Ok Daiyaan Ijaz 2:15 PM Performance Considerations – Post MVP: If the user to company mapping already exists in UIS table, there is no need to call the company API but it can be considered post MVP considering all the possible use cases of user changing company, or user leaving company, or user working for different companies etc Current implementation calls company api upon user creation, not trusting swapped token properties (edited) 2 replies Last reply 6 months agoView thread Daiyaan Ijaz 2:16 PM this shows company api changes made: https://github.ford.com/Ford-Pro-CIM/FPI-UPFITTER-CIM/commit/1510d458d742b844b9060283a45b57fd07f41b45 2:18 When user first logs in, before checking if user exists, we check to see if company exists through company api (https://api.d01e.gcp.ford.com/pro/upfit/company - requires bearer token) . If company from company api (ford pro db) EXISTS inside OUR cloud DB, then we skip inserting data for that and continue with validating if user exists before skipping that too (if that exists as well) (edited) Kulveer Virk 2:19 PM Lets talk Daiyaan Ijaz 2:21 PM Sure Kulveer Virk 2:21 PM lets meet in fpi-magia-lounge Daiyaan Ijaz 2:21 PM #fpi-magia-lounge is not viewable for me Daiyaan Ijaz 2:52 PM DEV API: https://api.d01e.gcp.ford.com/pro/upfit/company Daiyaan Ijaz 3:19 PM https://ford.atlassian.net/browse/FPICIMT-1248 FPICIMT-1248 Document MVP PCA Auth Flow for investigation/issue resolution Status: Blocked Type: Spike Assignee: Daiyaan Ijaz Priority: Not Set More actions... Added by a bot 3:19 notice this was blocked 3:19 Let me prepare something organized and easily digestible for MVP PCA Auth flow